Friday, November 26, 2010
What is this?
Hint: these pictures were taken today (Friday).

Evidence of the varied group of people who come together year round on Thursday evening to donate, prepare and serve a meal to those who hunger – outside in sun, rain or snow.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
With the Japanese speed skating and the Russian figure skating teams using ARC as their practice venue for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games someone in administration for the City of
The sudden appearance of this greenery did not begat much surprise as city council and city management have demonstrated a repeated and profound need to engage in behaviours and actions that leave those with common sense shaking their heads and asking “What were they thinking?”
Beholding this greenery leaves one wondering why whoever created this assault on grace and style wants to create in visitors an impression of Abbotsford as a city of clodhoppers. I mean, shake head sadly, “What were they thinking?”
Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that is the reaction of those who give the greenery only a cursory examination.
Invest time contemplating the design and one is rewarded by seeing beyond the artful dissembling guise to appreciate the subtle and subversive commentary on reality’s inevitable ascendancy over ideology.
The discerning mind perceives the resourceful and masterly dexterous tribute to the capitalist reality of geoponics that has grown into a vital component of the British Columbia economy; an imaginative, covert salute to the key economic component that protected BC residents from the worst of the worldwide economic meltdown; an economic component denied on ideological grounds by those who see the world through the lenses of their ideology.
Even if our international visitors fail to appreciate the ingenuity, they should enjoy seeing the greenery and being able to return home and say that BC’s and Abbotsford’s international reputation is deserved - growops are so prevalent in Abbotsford there are even growops in public buildings.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Abbotsford Reach gallery - 'Surplus'?
Mr. Bob Peters problem with the Reach ‘surplus’ lies in his mistaken attempt to apply rational and/or logical thought processes to the financial dealings of Abbotsford city council and staff.
When dealing with financial matters of the City of
Yes, in the real financial world that exists outside of
However in
In future Mr Peters needs to remember that logic, rationality, good financial practices, reality, something’s true nature and common sense have nothing to do with the manner in which the City of
Aside to council: I want to help council and staff increase the ‘surplus’ for the City of
Re: “No deficit for the Reach”
How is it possible for the Reach to have surplus of $23,952 when they require $637,500 from the taxpayer in 2010? Is that not a deficit of $637,500?
When the Abbotsford Entertainment & Sports Centre is subsidized from the City of
Will the Reach actually have a profit? What part of this equation do I not understand?
Bob PetersSaturday, October 24, 2009
Abbotsford Police Assault Video
It was not really surprising to view the video of the Abbotsford Police Department officers using excessive physical force in arresting two suspects.
When you have been homeless and/or advocate for the homeless one becomes familiar with the less that professional behaviour exhibited by some APD officers.
Given the treatment of the homeless and others perceived as powerless, seeing the video of the offices walking on, kicking, standing on the neck of and driving the face into the ground was not surprising at all.
Moreover, it was not the physical assault that was the most disturbing aspect of this incident.
No, what was most disturbing was the APD spokesperson’s repeatedly uttering of the reminder that the suspects were arrested on drug dealing charges – as if this fact made the use of excessive force acceptable.
The spokesperson’s statements suggest that the APD has a cultural attitude that it is acceptable behaviour to abuse people who belong to certain groups.
It is not. The APD needs to be told by city council and citizens that everyone officers deal with must be treated in a professional matter.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Mike de Jong's Gas Tax
Mike de Jong is right when he speaks of Abbotsford being in a "unique position."
Unfortunately the "unique position" Abbotsford is in is that City Council has clearly demonstrated it is incapable of acting in a financially responsible manner, proper budgeting or planning for the City's future.
All good reasons not to give them a new avenue to plunder citizens wallets or a new source to raise even more funds they can fritter away wastefully.
If City Council wants more money let it go about it the proper way - through a proper, honest and accurate budget process as they should have been doing all along.
Until such time as Abbotsford's City Council demonstrates financial responsibility and proper budgeting the provincial government should be protecting the citizens of Abbotsford from Council's spendthrift ways NOT encouraging Abbotsford Council to seek additional ways to fund their reckless squandering of taxpayer's hard-earned dollars.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Forgot your economic Boom Mr. Premier?
That was the thought that crossed my mind as I watched Gordon Campbell as he sought to misdirect attention from his governments glaring economic errors and mismanagement by calling up the ghost of NDP governments past.
Of course, given the performance of the Liberal government during its two terms in office, it is hardly surprising that Mr. Campbell does not want voters to examine this record of ineffectiveness; preferring to run against an insubstantial bogeyman conjured out of shadowy memories of NDP governments past.
Seven years of worldwide economic boom during which Mr Campbell and his Liberals managed to increased the numbers of homeless; increased the numbers of those living in poverty; maintained BC’s damning distinction of having more children living in poverty six years in a row; increased the numbers of full time working poor who cannot afford to live in the city’s they work in.
When the Liberals became the government BC had the highest minimum wage; BC now has the lowest minimum wage in Canada and the highest cost of living.
The wealthy however made out like bandits thanks to Mr. Campbell whose government oversaw a transfer of wealth to the wealthy from all other British Columbians as Mr. Campbell decreased progressive taxes and replaced them with regressive taxes.
Mr. Campbell and his merry band of Liberals: Robbing from the poor to give to the rich.
Mr. Campbell has overseen the continued deterioration, begun under the NDP, of the public school system. Universities in BC are forced to test incoming high school graduates to see what level of remedial classes are required to bring students up to an acceptable level of competency.
And in an apparent attempt to ensure the continuation of the Liberal government the Liberals have acted to maximize the number of BC voters who lack the literacy skills to read and understand the government’s actions and the actual state the province is in by attacking Public Libraries by withholding funding.
In keeping with their less government ideology the Liberals have turned the BC medical system into a bureaucratic quagmire into which billions of dollars, along with a growing list of medical services, have disappear. Mr. Campbell’s “leadership” has resulted in a medical delivery system that is unsustainable and that, without raising billions in new tax dollars to feed its voracious appetite, will be forced to continue to shed programs and services to balance its budgets.
Massive cost overruns (the convention centre); going with the flashy and most expensive options rather than the most cost effective (Sky Train rather than light rail); decisions made on ideology rather than the best long term interests of the province (sale of BC Rail); salary levels in government and government corporations that are overly generous and out of line with results achieved by those receiving these extravagant wages – at the same time the government strives to hold down wage levels for working BC citizens.
Given the lack of integrity and judgement repeatedly demonstrated by Mr. Campbell’s Liberal government it is hardly surprising that the government is focused on serving the needs of those who have, will or could contribute to their winning re-election, rather than the needs of those British Columbians who truly need help just to survive.
If they cannot contribute to the Liberals continuing in power, why should the Liberal Party make any effort to understand the reality of life in BC, not only for the addicted, mentally ill, homeless and poor BC citizens, but for the increasing numbers of citizens who are scrambling to avoid joining the ranks of homeless and poor?
Be very clear – when Mr. Campbell says we do not have the funds or cannot afford to address the social issues and ills in BC what he is truly saying is that these are not a priority for him; unlike his own salary and gold-plated retirement plan.
Ironically, despite Mr. Campbell’s finger pointing, the NDP government left the province’s finances in better shape heading into the last economic downturn than the Liberal government left the province’s finances heading into the current economic downturn.
The true irony and insult to integrity is that Mr. Campbell and the Liberals began their government complaining about the NDP withholding information and misleading voters about the true state of affairs in BC. The outpouring of bad news since the recent provincial election shows that when it comes to withholding information and misleading voters the difference between Mr. Campbell’s government and the NDP is that the Liberals covered-up well enough to get re-elected.
And isn’t that the hallmark of a successful politician theses days?
Monday, August 24, 2009
Politicians Lie? Shocking!
After all that is how the voting public has trained them to behave.
When you punish those of integrity - who tell the truth, want to address important issues, are solution oriented acknowledging that solutions are not going to be neat, tidy or free, are interested in the wellbeing of all Canadians and in bringing change; then have the audacity to insist on talking about these things when Canadians want to hear everything is wonderful and it is easy, simple and inexpensive to fix problems – by refusing to listen or think about what they are saying and refusing to vote for those of integrity because they insist on telling the voting public the truth, is it any wonder that people of integrity cease seeking office?
When you reward those who tell the public what it wants to hear no matter what the reality of the situation is; listen to their fear-mongering tales of boogeyman; accept unquestioningly financial statements and claims that if applied to your personal finances would have you homeless and on the street; accept unquestioningly statements that cannot stand up to event the most elementary logic or reason; insist that problems have easy, neat, tidy and fast answers; claim that everything is wonderful and there is not need for change; pit citizen against citizen for personal and political advantage – voting for them simply because they tell the voting public what it wants to hear, is it any wonder that politicians lie, withhold information or release it when it is to their advantage?
“What is the primary purpose of a political leader? To build a majority. If voters care about parking lots, then talk about parking lots.” Newt Gingrich
When the public votes only for those who tell them what they want to hear and about parking lots, refusing to listen to, consider or vote for those who insist on addressing issues, how can they be surprised that they end up without people of integrity in government and with a legislature populated with those who will lie and tell them whatever they want to hear in order to win?
If citizens want people of integrity in government then they have to convince people of integrity that they are ready to listen, to think about and to engage in discussion of important issues – even if they would rather not hear about issues, about making choices and change.
Then they have to be willing to vote for them.
There is a joke that goes: Stop repeat offenders. Don’t re-elect them.
If citizens want honour and integrity in those in elected office they have to vote for people of honour and integrity.
Understand that if you elect people of honour and integrity they are not going to lie to you and tell you what you want to hear, they are going to tell you what is and what you need to hear about, think about and decide about.