Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Letter RE: letter of Rodney Gibson

I enjoyed the letter of Rodney Gibson and the points he raised. He very concisely expressed many of the points I find so frustrating about this City’s administration and politicians. “There is no reason why issues time and time again get put on the back burner to be dealt with in the future.” Since July of 2005 the city’s refrain has been that social problems would be addressed when the Social Planner reported on what needed to be done. And what did the citizens get? Not action or ideas, just more stalling via more study and committees. With pressing major social issues those responsible ducked their responsibilities.

I would like to add that I think a Major need in this City is for some Leadership. Currently the city just drifts along rudderless, scrambling to avoid addressing pressing issues. “It’s a city.” “The future is now here in Abbotsford.” When I speak of Leadership I am not speaking about an office or position (which should be obvious with regards to this administration and politicians) but about the capacity and ability to lead. Leadership is about providing direction, about ideas and vision, about providing inspiration to the city in tackling its problems, about having a clue and a willingness to seek out solutions to problems one is facing. It is not about denial, denial, denial – which is what we currently get.

Leadership is about taking ownership of ones responsibilities. Leadership is about taking control of the problems, issues and challenges facing Abbotsford and solving them, not leaving them to fester and grow. One only needs to look at how the current administration and politicians have procrastinated on what Mr. Gibson calls “the issues that really are hurting Abbotsford – addiction and homelessness” to see the total lack of thinking, ideas and leadership. While I agree, “You need big thinkers in a big city” I would like to add a rider to Mr. Gibson’s statement. To make the changes and implement the big thoughts and ideas that this City so badly needs, we need to get something that a big city also needs badly – Leadership.

James W Breckenridge

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