Wednesday, September 27, 2006
A rather interesting response ...
In response to Mark B. Toth’s letter of Sept. 2, 2006, I would like to suggest that he read his own words - with an open mind. He states "I wrote…," "I honestly believe…" and "I added…". "I, I, I" states Mr. Toth then protests Mr. Lanning attributing to Mr. Toth his own words. I draw Mr. Toths attention to the definition of the word I - "the nominative singular pronoun, used by a speaker in referring to himself". Mr. Toth was speaking of himself personally and I would like to know how anyone was to reply without also speaking of his self stated personal profanities.
I also draw to Mr. Toth’s attention the fact that words such as Bigoted and Narrow minded are adjectives. To address Mr. Toth’s obvious lack of understanding of the concept of adjectives: n. 1: a word that expresses an attribute of something 2: the word class that qualifies nouns. These words are descriptive of the noun, which in this cases happens to be Mr. Toth’s mindset as demonstrated by his own words.
I believe that any reasonable Canadian reading Mr. Toth’s original letter would agree that it clearly demonstrates: Bigoted: blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others as well as Narrow minded: 1) having or showing a prejudiced mind, as persons or opinions; biased. 2) not receptive to new ideas; having a closed mind. 3) morally self-righteous.
Trying to suggest that he cannot be held responsible for his clearly demonstrated bigotry and narrow mindedness if he attacks a caste as opposed to an individual is pure sophistry.
The most interesting aspect of Mr. Toth’s letter is his apparent concession to being "bigoted, narrow minded", in that he offers no defence of these descriptions of his character, but attempts to hid behind word games. Unfortunately for his attempts at deception those reading his diversionary tactics, for the most part, posses a degree of literacy that denies him this dishonesty.
I also draw to Mr. Toth’s attention the fact that words such as Bigoted and Narrow minded are adjectives. To address Mr. Toth’s obvious lack of understanding of the concept of adjectives: n. 1: a word that expresses an attribute of something 2: the word class that qualifies nouns. These words are descriptive of the noun, which in this cases happens to be Mr. Toth’s mindset as demonstrated by his own words.
I believe that any reasonable Canadian reading Mr. Toth’s original letter would agree that it clearly demonstrates: Bigoted: blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others as well as Narrow minded: 1) having or showing a prejudiced mind, as persons or opinions; biased. 2) not receptive to new ideas; having a closed mind. 3) morally self-righteous.
Trying to suggest that he cannot be held responsible for his clearly demonstrated bigotry and narrow mindedness if he attacks a caste as opposed to an individual is pure sophistry.
The most interesting aspect of Mr. Toth’s letter is his apparent concession to being "bigoted, narrow minded", in that he offers no defence of these descriptions of his character, but attempts to hid behind word games. Unfortunately for his attempts at deception those reading his diversionary tactics, for the most part, posses a degree of literacy that denies him this dishonesty.