Sunday, April 08, 2007

Is what I heard about the pools true?

In discussing the protracted delay in completing the Centennial Pool tank with people two items/questions kept arising. Since both are well within the demonstrated behaviour of Abbotsford City Hall I feel it is important to bring these points to the attention of all citizens. Only if the voices of many citizens demand an answer is there any possibility of getting a response from City Hall.

First is the disturbing suggestion that as part of this years budget City Manager Guthrie and Parks & Recreations Mark Taylor plan to slip the privatization of life-guarding at MRC wave pool by the public. Not as a means for saving money, since any money saved through lower wages is profit for the contractor not savings for the city, but as a continuation of their practice of attacking or annoying city unions.

I have been swimming at the city pools for over a decade and a half and over that time have seen and come to know just how well trained current staff is. In spite of any kidding I may give them I trust them with my life. I want the best trained, best qualified people guarding my life when I am at the pool. Just as an aside: the staff is young people from our area, many of who use the flexible work hours to permit them to be able to afford to attend UCFV or other educational institutions; some need the part-time employment to bolster the family income.

Not only should this change not be done, if true it is unconscionable that they would consider sneaking such a big change through as part of the budget process.

The more disturbing reports are that current city co0ntracts are being stretched out or delayed in starting because of very tight city cash flow as a result of plan A’s voracious appetite for city cash flow. Contractors are being paid on a stretched timeframe with the result that project completion is significantly delayed. The start of needed maintenance and projects are said to have been delayed or not scheduled in order to reduce cash outflow.

Raising the question if perhaps part of the reason Centennial Pool is three months behind is a direct result of actions taken by Abbotsford City Hall to stretch out contract payments, in direct contravention of their claim of not knowing why the pool is so far behind.

As I said, both of these fall within the city’s recent behaviour and it is important that the city provides a clear answer on these important questions.

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