Friday, January 11, 2008



Could someone please explain to the Parks, Recreation and Culture department that they exist to provide citizens with services; citizens do not exist solely to provide large sums of money through their taxes to Parks and Rec?

Walking into the pool at ARC I found another sign that Park's and Rec attitude towards the public seems to be "Bleep the public, it is all about Parks and Rec."

There is a large bulletin board on the wall that WAS in use as a place to post notices and fliers of interest to the public from both non-Parks/Rec sources and from Parks/Rec itself.

No more. In the middle of this largely (and strangely) empty board is a notice informing the public that this board is now only for the use of posting Parks/Rec fliers, posters or information.

The notice does contain the statement that at some indefinite point in time, in some unspecified location, a bulletin board for the public (who foots the bill for ARC and its bulletin boards) will appear. There is no explanation of why the public could not continue, as it has for decades, to post on the bulletin board until such time as another board could be installed.

What public convenience or usage is next on the Parks/Rec hit list?

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