Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hedonistic Sloth.
Leq'á:mel warns off drug dealers; Close down junkie condo, says writer; Addict spoil park for experience; from the Times of July 11.
We have become spoiled children demanding instant gratification and seeking to do things the easy way. The addicts and dealers must go NOW and if the park is the problem – pave it over and make it a parking lot, problem solved.
We are building our society, our social structures out of twigs and straw because that way is Fast and Easy. It is not surprising then that these structures collapse and are blown away by the winds of challenge or difficulty or the big bad wolf.
To survive and deal with the storm winds of social ills and social problems we must build our social structures, our social support programs out of bricks and mortar.
This course will be neither fast nor easy, but it will provide a solid base to build a healthy, thriving society upon; a Society that seeks to deal with its problems in a wise manner.
There is a reason so many of our fables and tales stress spending the time and effort needed to do it right.
We have become spoiled children demanding instant gratification and seeking to do things the easy way. The addicts and dealers must go NOW and if the park is the problem – pave it over and make it a parking lot, problem solved.
We are building our society, our social structures out of twigs and straw because that way is Fast and Easy. It is not surprising then that these structures collapse and are blown away by the winds of challenge or difficulty or the big bad wolf.
To survive and deal with the storm winds of social ills and social problems we must build our social structures, our social support programs out of bricks and mortar.
This course will be neither fast nor easy, but it will provide a solid base to build a healthy, thriving society upon; a Society that seeks to deal with its problems in a wise manner.
There is a reason so many of our fables and tales stress spending the time and effort needed to do it right.