Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Conservative attack ads - NOW?

It is January 26th and earlier today Canadians heard an insipid and uninspired throne speech as parliament returned to sitting after Stephen Harper’s behaviour and attitude united the opposition parties against him.

One would have thought/hoped that Stephen Harper would have learned something during his mad scramble to hold onto power by proroguing Parliament. Unfortunately Mr. Harper gives every evidence of continuing to believe that being elected Prime Minister, even with a minority, grants him the right to rule with the Divine Right of Kings and impose whatever whim takes his fancy on Canadians.

Lamentably it sounds as if Stephen Harper has learned nothing. Worse it is clear that not only has Harper not listened to Canadians but he does not understand Canada or the economic realities the majority of Canadians face.

Parliament has just returned to sitting; Stephen Harper heads a minority government; Canada is facing economic turmoil – perhaps even crisis; Canada and Canadians need a budget to address the economy and what is Stephen Harpers’s response?

Attack ads. At a time when cooperation and compromise are crucial to the economic health of the country Stephen Harper is playing political games and launching Conservative attack ads.

One has no way of knowing if this is a result of Stephen Harper being so egocentric that he cannot or will not hear what others and Canadians are telling him or whether Harper is incapable of paying attention to the needs of any other Canadian(s) but his own.

Which would be good news if, as these attack ads seem to suggest, Stephen Harper is so egomaniacal as to be willing to ignore the expressed wishes of Canadians and the economic welfare of Canada in order to provoke an election in hopes of achieving the majority government he lusts after.

Whatever the reason, these attack ads make clear that Canadians do need to speak with their MPs – their Conservative MPs.

We need to tell our Conservative MPs to stop pandering and knuckling under to Stephen Harper. It is past time that they started acting in the best interests of their constituents, Canadians and Canada.

The Conservative caucus needs to replace Stephen Harper with a leader strong enough to compromise and cooperate; a leader more concerned about Canada and Canadians that himself and his Divine Right to Rule. 

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